Project Structure
You will continue to add functionality to your existing project from the previous task. There is
no new repository to clone.
In this task, you will test and implement the following specs:
Note: All methods are public and non-static, unless otherwise noted, from this point forward in the
- ratings.Song - In the ratings package, a class named
This class will have a constructor that takes 3 parameters in this order:
- A String representing the title of the Song
- A String representing the artist of the Song
- A String representing the Songs ID
Song will have getter and setter methods for the three constructor parameters named:
<-- Note that both characters in ID are capital
For this task, you don't need to implement any additional methods in the Song class
(We will add to this class in later tasks)
- ratings.Rating - In the ratings package, a class named
This class will have a constructor that takes 2 parameters in this order:
- A String representing the ID of the reviewer who gave the rating
- An int representing the rating that the reviewer gave
Rating will have getter and setter methods for the two constructor parameters named:
Ratings must be in the range 1-5. If someone calls setRatings with an invalid rating,
the rating should be set to -1 to indicate that an error has occurred.
(eg. setRating(100) should result in the rating being set to -1). This check must also
apply when the constructor is called with an invalid rating.
- ratings.Reviewer - In the ratings package, a class named
This class will have a constructor that takes 1 parameter:
- A String representing the ID of the reviewer
Reviewer will have getter and setter methods for the constructor parameter named:
- Reviewer will have a method named rateSong that takes an int as a parameter
and returns a reference to a new Rating object (Using the Rating class described
above) with this reviewer's ID and the rating from the parameter of this method.
Note: You can see feedback in Autolab for your testing utilities and tests without completing the
programming portion of
this task, but you must at least create the classes and methods that you test. You can "stub out"
these methods by having them always return a fixed value, but they must exist so the grading code,
and your tests, can compile and run.
Testing Utilities
To help you write your tests, you will write several testing utility methods. These methods are
meant to help you write your unit tests. These methods will compare Song, Rating, and Reviewer
objects for equality. When writing test cases, you should create an object with the values that you
expect, call the method to be tested to create an object of the same type, then call your utility
method to check if the 2 objects contain all the same values.
Create a class named TestClasses1 in the tests package (tests.TestClasses1) and write the
following methods in that class (Note: Do not add the @Test annotation to these methods since they
are not tests):
- compareSongs - Write a method named compareSongs in the tests.TestClasses1 class that:
Takes [references to] 2 Song objects as parameters
Returns void and contains JUnit asserts such that at least 1 assert will fail if the Songs do
not have all the same values. In this way, calling the method with two Songs that are different
will result in a test failing, while calling the method with two Songs that are the same will
not do anything and will move on to your next test case. You can call assertTrue, assertEquals,
etc. in your compareSongs method even though it itself is not a test method.
- compareRatings - Write a method named compareRatings in the tests.TestClasses1 class that
Takes [references to] 2 Rating objects
Returns void and contains JUnit asserts such that at least 1 assert will fail if the Ratings do
not have all the same values
- compareReviewers - Write a method named compareReviewers in the tests.TestClasses1 class that
Takes [references to] 2 Reviewer objects
Returns void and contains JUnit asserts such that at least 1 assert will fail if the Reviewers
do not have the same id
Testing Requirements
Add test methods to the tests.TestClasses1 class, using the @Test annotation, that tests all the
methods in the Specification section. You should call your testing utility methods to save time while
writing these tests.
Programming Requirements
Implement the Song, Rating, and Reviewer classes with all the functionality from the specification.
As you're writing this code, you should run your tests to see how you are progressing. It's
recommended that you write your tests first, submit to Autolab to make sure your have good testing,
then use those verified tests to check your code.
Autolab Feedback
The feedback in Autolab will be given in 4 phases. If you don't complete a phase, then feedback for
the following phase(s) will not be provided.
- Testing your testing utility methods
Each of your testing utility methods will be checked with a variety of test cases to ensure that
they make all the required checks. This phase will ensure that your utility methods are accurate
before you start using them in your tests
- Running your tests on a correct solution
- Your tests will be run against a solution that is known to be correct. If your tests do
not pass this correct solution, there is an error somewhere in your tests that must be
before you can move on with the assignment. If your tests don't get past this check, you
should re-read this document and make sure you implemented your tests and code according
the specification. You should also make sure that if there are multiple correct outputs
to the input in your tests cases that you accept any of the outputs as correct
- Checking your tests for feature coverage
The next phase is to check if your tests check for a variety of features defined by
different inputs. You should write at least one test case for each feature to pass this
Passing this phase does not necessarily mean that your testing is completely thorough.
Satisfying Autolab is the bare minimum testing requirement. Not all possible inputs are
checked, and it is sometimes possible to pass this phase
with weak testing. If you are struggling to earn credit for code that you believe
is correct, you should write more than the required tests
- Running my tests on your solution
Once Autolab is happy with your tests, it will run my tests against your code to check
it for correctness. If your testing is thorough, and your code passes your tests, then
you should pass this phase. If you pass your tests, but fail one of mine, it is an
indicator that you should write more tests to help expose your bug
Once you complete all 4 phases, you will have completed this Task and Autolab will confirm this
with a score of 1.0 for complete.